In matters dealing with child support and child custody, my number one priority as a Loveland Colorado divorce atorney is helping you preserve your relationship with your children. When parents divorce, a child’s emotional health and well being often depends on the skillful handling of emotionally charged child custody issues. I will work with my clients to resolve child custody disputes with a minimum of conflict.
Custody: The concept of “custody” no longer exists in Colorado. Colorado has replaced “custody” with the term “parental responsibilities” which is made up of parenting time and decision making responsibilities. The courts consider many factors when deciding these responsibilities. Moreover, married or unmarried parents may customize how decision making responsibilities are handled between them. Additionally, parenting time may be allocated on an schedule created by the parents that is considered to be in the child’s best interest. If the parents cannot agree, the court will employ special evaluators to evaluate the family members and make recommendations to the court. The allocation of parental rights and responsibilities can always be modified by the court based upon the best interest of the child.
Child Support: In Colorado, child support guidelines fix presumed child support amounts. Child support is based on the gross income of each parent and the parenting time schedule of each child. Medical and dental expenses, medical insurance, travel expenses for parenting time, and educational expenses are also allocated between the parents by the court. Also, the court has the authority to enforce child support orders via its contempt powers.
Without the advice and counsel of a divorce lawyer knowledgeable about Colorado child custody and support law, you risk losing certain valuable rights given to you by Colorado law. For more information about child custody or support please schedule an attorney consultation by calling 970-663-9384 or fill out the contact form on this website.